Friday, 5 December 2014

Music Magazine Process

There is not a vast amount of difference in this development. In this development of the front cover, I have changed the positioning of cover lines, as a way of making the cover star's face more visible and no cover lines going over her head or body. In the DPS, I have made the columns straight and I have repositioned certain features (pullquotes, page number and magazine name). As for the contents page, I have brought the official website line and page number and date down a bit and I have included a cover line about our official app. 

1 comment:

  1. I really like your magazine it grasps the attention of the audience really well, i'm not a fan of K pop but because of the bright colours and popping coverlines it automatically had my attention also.The contents page is full full full of information and stories that i would actually consider reading the whole magazine drew me in well done love it
